The following lists published research papers in chronological order. Related material – such as a technical appendix or computer code – is listed with links following each paper.
- K. Atalay, G.F. Barrett and A. Staneva, 2019, “The Effect of Retirement on Elderly Cognitive Functioning” Journal of Health Economics, v.66(1), pp.37-53.
- G.F. Barrett and D. Hamermesh, 2019, “Labor Supply Elasticities: Overcoming Nonclassical Measurement Error Using More Accurate Hours Data” Journal of Human Resources, v. 54 (1), pp.255-265.
- K. Atalay, G.F. Barrett and P. Siminski, 2019, “Pension Incentives and the Joint Retirement of Couples: Evidence from Two Natural Experiments” Journal of Population Economics, v.32(2), pp.735-767.
- G.F. Barrett and W.C. Riddell, 2019, “Ageing and Skills: The Case of Literacy Skills” European Journal of Education, v.54(1), pp.60-71.
- K. Atalay, G.F. Barrett and A. Staneva, 2019, “The effect of retirement on home production: Evidence from Australia” Review of Economics of the Household, in-press.
- G.F. Barrett, 2018, “The Labor Market in Australia, 2000-2016” IZA World of Labor, no. 443, pp.1-11. Link to IZA site
- G.F. Barrett, S.G. Donald and Yu-Chin Hsu, 2016, “Consistent Tests of Poverty Dominance Relations” Journal of Econometrics, v.191(1), pp.360-373.
- K. Atalay and G.F. Barrett, 2015, “The Impact of Age Pension Eligibility Age on Retirement and Program Dependence: Evidence from an Australian Experiment” Review of Economics and Statistics, v.97(1), pp.71-87.
- Technical Appendix (.pdf)
- G.F. Barrett, P. Levell and K. Milligan, 2015, “A comparison of micro and macro expenditure measures across countries using different survey methods” in C.Carroll, T. Crossley and J. Sabelhaus (eds), Improving the Measurement of Consumer Expenditures, National Bureau of Economic Research and University of Chicago Press, Chicago; chapter 9.
- G.F. Barrett, S.G. Donald and D. Bhattacharya, 2014, “Consistent Nonparametric Tests of Lorenz Dominance” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, v.32(1), pp.1-13.
- Readme.txt (Readme file for Stata ado files)
- (zipped files for Stata ldtest command – independent sampling)
- (zipped files for ldtestmp command – matched pair sampling)
- sample0309s.dta (Stata data file – ldtest example)
- sample09s.dta (Stata data file – ldtestmp example)
- LDBDBisw.prg (zipped Gauss command file – independent sampling)
- LDBDBmpw.prg (zipped Gauss command file — matched pair sampling)
- K. Atalay and G.F. Barrett, 2014,“The Causal Effect of Retirement on Health: New Evidence from Australian Pension Reform” Economics Letters, v.125(3), pp.392-395.
- G.F. Barrett and M. Kecmanovic, 2013, “Changes in Subjective Well-being with Retirement: Assessing Savings Adequacy in Australia” Applied Economics, v.45(355), pp.4883-4893.
- Appendix (.pdf)
- (Gauss)
- G.F. Barrett and M. Brzozowski, 2012, “Food Expenditure and Involuntary Retirement: Resolving the Retirement-Consumption Puzzle,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.94, pp.945-955.
- FoodExpend_Regs (.pdf)
- (Stata)
- G.F. Barrett and R. Milbourne, 2012, “Do Excellent Research Environments Produce Better Learning and Teaching Outcomes?” Economic Record, v.88 Special Issue, pp.70-77.
- Appendix Table (.pdf)
- S.G. Donald, Yu-Chin Hsu and G.F. Barrett, 2012, “Incorporating Covariates in the Measurement of Welfare and Inequality: Methods and Applications” Econometrics Journal, v.15, pp.C1-C30.
- Supplementary_Appendices (.pdf)
- G.F. Barrett, 2012, “The Return to Cognitive Skills in the Australian Labour Market,” Economic Record, v.88 (280), pp.1-17.
- M. Kecmanovic and G.F. Barrett, 2011, “The Gender Wage Gap during Serbia’s Transition” Comparative Economic Studies, v.53, pp. 695–720.
- G.F. Barrett and M. Brzozowski, 2010, “Using Engel Curves to Estimate the Bias in the Australian CPI,” Economic Record, v.86 (272), pp.1-14.
- G.F. Barrett and S.G. Donald, 2009, “Statistical Inference with the Generalized Gini Indices of Inequality, Poverty and Welfare,” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, v.27(1), pp.1-17.
- GiniAppdx (pdf)
- cps784fr.dat
- cps884fr.dat
- cps984fr.dat
- GBtPov1r.prg (zipped Gauss program)
- GiniASE1.prg (zipped Gauss program)
- GiniBootT.prg (zipped Gauss program)
- GiniPov1r.prg (zipped Gauss program)
- G.F. Barrett, 2009, “Changes in the Distribution of Food Expenditure and Family Income from 2001 to 2005,” Australian Social Policy, v.8, pp. 85-120.
- G.F. Barrett and Yi-Ping Tseng, 2008, “Retirement Saving in Australia,” Canadian Public Policy, v.34(s1), pp.177-193.
- G.F. Barrett and S.G. Donald, 2003, “Consistent Tests for Stochastic Dominance,” Econometrica, v.71(1), pp. 71-104.
- Paper (pdf)
- Appendix – Graphs (pdf)
- canat78.dat
- canat86.dat
- canbt78.dat
- canbt86.dat
- SDKSBtst.gau (zipped Gauss program – KS Bootstrap method)
- SDKStest.gau (zipped Gauss program – KS Simulation method)
- SDMaxT.gau (zipped Gauss program – Maximal T method)
- SDWald.gau (zipped Gauss program – DD Wald method)
- SDAndrsn.gau (zipped Gauss program – Anderson method)
- G.F. Barrett and R. Conlon, 2003, “Adverse Selection and the Decline in Private Health Insurance Coverage in Australia 1989-1995,” Economic Record, v.79 (246), pp. 279-296.
- G.F. Barrett and R. Conlon, 2003 “Health Care Spending, Family Structure and Family Health” Economic and Labour Relations Review, vol. 14(1), pp. 143-52.
- G.F. Barrett, F. Krsinich and M. Wilson, 2003, “Young Children Supported by Benefits in New Zealand: A Duration Analysis” New Zealand Population Review, v.29(1), pp.131-151.
- G.F. Barrett, 2002, “The Dynamics of Participation in the Sole Parent Pension,” Economic Record, v.78 (240), pp.1-17.
- G.F. Barrett, 2002, “The Effect of Alcohol Consumption on Earnings,” Economic Record, v.78(240), pp. 79-98.
- G.F. Barrett, F. Krsinich and M. Wilson, 2002 “Children on Benefit: Who Stays Longest?” Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, vol.19, pp.48-75.
- G.F. Barrett and D.J. Doiron, 2001, “The Decision to Work Part-Time: By Choice or By Constraint?” Canadian Journal of Economics, v.34(4), pp.1042-1065.
- Working Paper and Technical Appendix (.pdf)
- (zipped Gauss estimation file – with LLF)
- G.F. Barrett and D.A. Cobb-Clark, 2001, “The Labour Market Plans of Parenting Payment Recipients: Information from a Randomised Social Experiment,” Australian Journal of Labour Economics, v.4(3), pp.192-205.
- G.F. Barrett and R. Conlon, 2001, “Explaining the Contraction in the Market for Private Health Insurance in Australia”, Economic and Labour Relations Review, v.12(2), pp.210-224.
- G.F. Barrett, 2000, “The Effect of Educational Attainment on Welfare Dependence: Evidence from Canada,” Journal of Public Economics, vol.77(2), pp.209-232.
- G.F. Barrett, T.F. Crossley and C. Worswick, 2000, “Demographic Trends and Consumption Inequality in Australia between 1975 and 1993,” Review of Income and Wealth, v.46(4), pp.437-456.
- G.F. Barrett, T.F. Crossley and C. Worswick, 2000, “Consumption and Income Inequality in Australia,” Economic Record, vol.76, pp.116-138.
- G.F. Barrett and M.I.Cragg, 1998, “An Untold Story: The Characteristics of Welfare Use in British Columbia,” Canadian Journal of Economics, vol.31(1), pp.165-188.
- D.J. Doiron and G.F. Barrett, 1996, “Inequality in Male and Female Earnings: the Role of Hours and Wages,” Review of Economics and Statistics, vol.78(3), pp.410-420.
- G.F. Barrett and K.Pendakur, 1995, “The Asymptotic Distribution of the Generalized Gini Indices of Inequality,” Canadian Journal of Economics, vol.28(4b), pp.1042-1055.